Its possible Fin preferences most of us to meet a few faulty people today prior seminar the correct one, so weight training at last satisfy the person, you will recognize how to indeed be happy.
Aftab Ahmad Khan is involved in pragmatic research on Semitic religions since 1999. During his Army service he graduated from 'Command & Staff College' Quetta, post graduated in ‘Strategic Studies’ form Pakistan Air War College and LADSC from USA. He also holds ‘Masters in Business Administration’ and in ‘Political Science’. Besides holding various command, staff and instructional appointments in military, [retired as Brigadier] he also worked in the ‘Corporate Sector’ in multinational environments. He observed divergent cultures during his world wide travels to North America, Europe, Middle East, China, Far East and Australia. As a freelance writer his articles are published in DJ ( research work based on pragmatic study of Semitic religions has been compiled in the form of followng books & articles:-
1. The Creator
2. The Creation
3. The Guidance
4. Jesus: Christianity & Bible
5. Islam: The Broader Perspective
6. The Final Messenger & Scripture
7. The Last Prophet (pbuh) [Three Articles]
8. Islam: A General Introduction (edited and updated translation of: “Ta’rif-e-Aam Bi-Din Il-Islam” by: Sheikh Ali al-Tantawi).
9. Significance of Knowledge
10. Philosophy & Impact
11. Islam, Jews & Christians
12. The Fundamentals of Islam
13. Metaphysics [Invisible world, predestination & salvation]
14. Modern Challenges
15. Islam and Society
16. The Infallible Imamate
These books are freely available on ‘PDF’ and ‘Text’ formats at flowing web sites/blogs respectively: [pdf & html] [html] books4peace.html
HARD COPIES of available books can be obtained ‘FREE’ of cost in Pakistan, at your doorstep by sending your Name & Postal Address through E Mail: OR, SMS@+923004443470.
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“ ye one another unto righteousness and pious duty. Help not one another unto sin and transgression, but keep your duty to God…”(Qur’an;5:2).
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